Talents And Gifts
Sep 6, 07:21 AM
I have just had confirmation of one of our suppliers that new iMacs are on the way next week. He didn't elaborate on the details though.
Next week is gonna be expensive.
Next week is gonna be expensive.

Sep 5, 06:47 AM
So what sort of picture and sound quality can we expect from these movie downloads (wireless or otherwise)? Also, as a download, just how big are these files going to be? I wouldn't want to be on the other side of a "your hard disk is now full" prompt 10Mb from the end of a 2Gb download (that's an extreme example - I hope!)

Sep 10, 06:44 AM
Given this event is on, is this now the only thing going on this week that we expect Apple to release something new?
I ask because Paris Expo is on and I was wondering if people had reason to believe that might also be used to release new Apple stuff without a keynote.
I ask because Paris Expo is on and I was wondering if people had reason to believe that might also be used to release new Apple stuff without a keynote.

Apr 30, 01:10 PM
Wonder if the top of the line Core i7 Sandy Bridge iMac will be faster than many of the SP Mac Pro configurations.

Oct 12, 01:34 PM
Wow, it looks like it's finally happening. Sweet! :D

Sep 9, 01:42 AM
Is 20% speed improvement a lot for a core 2 designation?
Well, they said 20%, and it appears to be true in some tests.
It looks pretty good since it's not any more expensive than the previous iMacs.
Well, they said 20%, and it appears to be true in some tests.
It looks pretty good since it's not any more expensive than the previous iMacs.

Sep 1, 06:26 AM
Over on the 'other' rumor board. AI details how a user who ordered a single core mini, got a pleasant upgrade to a dual core, 100GB HD and most importantly a superdrive.
Why give us a 100GB HD and a superdrive on the most basic machine, because they want us to have plenty of space for the movie downloads and there will be an option to burn these files to DVD.
Couple this with a widescreen ipod, released now and a nano possibly later but with a screen comparable to current 5Gen. That way they get maximum coverage for the new movie store ie. all models play video and anyone prepared to buy the 6G out of the way before they introduce the new nano.
Its a common tactic of the industry to release the highend model first where it potentially is in competition with lower models. Last years nano and 5G where so far apart, there wasn't a worry about releasing the junior model first.
Why give us a 100GB HD and a superdrive on the most basic machine, because they want us to have plenty of space for the movie downloads and there will be an option to burn these files to DVD.
Couple this with a widescreen ipod, released now and a nano possibly later but with a screen comparable to current 5Gen. That way they get maximum coverage for the new movie store ie. all models play video and anyone prepared to buy the 6G out of the way before they introduce the new nano.
Its a common tactic of the industry to release the highend model first where it potentially is in competition with lower models. Last years nano and 5G where so far apart, there wasn't a worry about releasing the junior model first.

Apr 11, 09:18 PM
The more paranoid might suggest that oil companies are collaborating with auto makers and the government to keep efficiency as low as they can get away with. Remember, the record for fuel economy was set in the mid 70s in a slightly modified Opel: something like 237 miles on a gallon (US) of gasoline. Highly idealized conditions no doubt, but my goodness, the average automobile today should be at least a third of the way there.
Well, if we're talking about ideal conditions...
The Shell Opel got close to 400mpg back in the 70s. Now Shell sponsors the Eco Challenge and the top internal combustion car for 2010 was over 6000mpg while the top fuel cell car was over 10,000mpg.
No... those aren't typos.
Well, if we're talking about ideal conditions...
The Shell Opel got close to 400mpg back in the 70s. Now Shell sponsors the Eco Challenge and the top internal combustion car for 2010 was over 6000mpg while the top fuel cell car was over 10,000mpg.
No... those aren't typos.

Sep 26, 10:22 PM
I ended up doing the reverse. I bought a SLVR in China and brought it back to the USA. It's so nice not to have to be on any ****ing "contract". (Sorry, I just really hate the state of the cellphone market in the USA.)
I just want WiFi VoIP phones to come along and wipe out the whole market...I think that will have to wait for WiMax rollouts nationwide, though.
I'm not on a contract. I use their pay-as-you-go offering.
I just want WiFi VoIP phones to come along and wipe out the whole market...I think that will have to wait for WiMax rollouts nationwide, though.
I'm not on a contract. I use their pay-as-you-go offering.

Apr 25, 02:31 AM
Why are you so cold hearted?
Why do you feel you are somehow better than everyone else?
Why do you not feel you need to abide by society's laws and furthermore, why do you not have any sense of ethics or morals?
I am especially shocked that you have these views after stating you have volunteered 2500 hrs (or over 100 continuous days) in the last 2 years...I would think that this experience would have you develop a sense of compassion, not make you more cold hearted...
I volunteered only to further my college applications. I really couldn't give a crap about the people my work supposedly helped. All I care about is that it helped me.
I don't view myself as cold hearted, I view myself as being a realist. This "let's be nice to everyone" crap has turned 95% of society into blithering retarded bleeding hearts. I only care about people who I can use to further myself, or those who have genuinely done something caring for me (family); otherwise you are completely expendable to me (take note anyone who works under me in a decade). I do not feel that society's rules apply to me, because I simply know that I am better than many of the people in society; the rules (including speed limits) are there for lesser folk. Look at our pop culture, it shows how stupid most are. What you call morally and ethically bankrupt, I call opportunistic and motivated.
Why do you feel you are somehow better than everyone else?
Why do you not feel you need to abide by society's laws and furthermore, why do you not have any sense of ethics or morals?
I am especially shocked that you have these views after stating you have volunteered 2500 hrs (or over 100 continuous days) in the last 2 years...I would think that this experience would have you develop a sense of compassion, not make you more cold hearted...
I volunteered only to further my college applications. I really couldn't give a crap about the people my work supposedly helped. All I care about is that it helped me.
I don't view myself as cold hearted, I view myself as being a realist. This "let's be nice to everyone" crap has turned 95% of society into blithering retarded bleeding hearts. I only care about people who I can use to further myself, or those who have genuinely done something caring for me (family); otherwise you are completely expendable to me (take note anyone who works under me in a decade). I do not feel that society's rules apply to me, because I simply know that I am better than many of the people in society; the rules (including speed limits) are there for lesser folk. Look at our pop culture, it shows how stupid most are. What you call morally and ethically bankrupt, I call opportunistic and motivated.

Agent Smith
Oct 12, 05:38 PM
Please read the entire post, think about it, and then respond.
I never said we should allow anyone to die - I said the exact opposite... that it is our job to be compassionate and to try and help in any way we can. My point was that there are certain aspects of the culture in African society which have bene ingrained in their way of live far longer than any western culture has even been in existence. So to think we can change that with any amount of money or education is naive.
We can and should try to save lives, and that is always a good thing. The African people are human beings, no better or worse than Americans or Brits or any other culture, color, or country. But at the end of the day, it comes down to the age-old question of whether it's our job, responsibility, or even our right to impose our culture and belief system on another. I'm merely saying that these people have chosen to develop their culture in a certain way, and perhaps they need something other than our system of education to change that. They need time... and unfortunately with that time will come deaths. I would never say or imply that innocent people should die; I merely am saying that perhaps our efforts are misguided, and that these people have something going on that's far deeper than can be fixed with education or funding. Maybe they need a long period of time where they evolve at their own pace into what their culture deems an appropriate solution.
The problem that people are having with your line of thinking is that it was used in the mid to late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries to essentially justify the "superiority" of Europe and Europeans over the rest of the world. It was called Social Darwinism (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_darwinism)...
A variation of your argument was also used to justify African slavery, as well as the sterilization of Jewish people in 1930s Germany. It was, and still is, a very dangerous line of thinking, so I would not be surprised by the reaction that you are receiving.
I never said we should allow anyone to die - I said the exact opposite... that it is our job to be compassionate and to try and help in any way we can. My point was that there are certain aspects of the culture in African society which have bene ingrained in their way of live far longer than any western culture has even been in existence. So to think we can change that with any amount of money or education is naive.
We can and should try to save lives, and that is always a good thing. The African people are human beings, no better or worse than Americans or Brits or any other culture, color, or country. But at the end of the day, it comes down to the age-old question of whether it's our job, responsibility, or even our right to impose our culture and belief system on another. I'm merely saying that these people have chosen to develop their culture in a certain way, and perhaps they need something other than our system of education to change that. They need time... and unfortunately with that time will come deaths. I would never say or imply that innocent people should die; I merely am saying that perhaps our efforts are misguided, and that these people have something going on that's far deeper than can be fixed with education or funding. Maybe they need a long period of time where they evolve at their own pace into what their culture deems an appropriate solution.
The problem that people are having with your line of thinking is that it was used in the mid to late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries to essentially justify the "superiority" of Europe and Europeans over the rest of the world. It was called Social Darwinism (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_darwinism)...
A variation of your argument was also used to justify African slavery, as well as the sterilization of Jewish people in 1930s Germany. It was, and still is, a very dangerous line of thinking, so I would not be surprised by the reaction that you are receiving.

Jul 19, 11:03 PM
another update in Q1 2007? damn. So fast, but screw it, once the new MBP design is out, I'm ordering. I wish it was the 7th, but now most likly the 12 of September.
Apr 17, 02:13 AM
why would I want to pay someone $17 an hour to a job a monkey is almost qualified to do? Sounds like an opportunity to hire less people, or jack my prices up. A job is worth simply what a job is worth. Period. If I'm trying to offer services at competitive prices, and someone is willing to bag groceries for $3 an hour, then they should be ALLOWED to. Rather than me just choose to hire nobody and using automated checkouts.
What happens then? More people find jobs, and prices go down. $3 dollars suddenly buys you a subway sandwich. # of consumers goes up bc more people are employed, which brings in more revenue, causes more hiring etc.
Also, people who do want to make $10 bucks an hour are forced to either be productive or learn something useful, which is good for everyone, plus that $10 is worth more now bc of deflation. Deflation would also drive interest rates on loans down bc the money you pay back is worth more.
Best case scenario, taxes are low at this point, and the government isn't a handout machine, so people feel the need to donate to an EFFICIENT charity. Rather than to the government, which is the most inefficient entity on the planet.
You do realize that one of the main reasons why the great depression was so bad was because Hoover was so worried about inflation that he caused deflation right? With deflation what you have is nobody is buying because if they wait then they can get something for cheaper and the economy suffers as a result. How many people do you think would buy iPhones if they new that next week there was going to be a price drop?
US government regulations for increasing gas efficiency has resulted in car companies making vehicles lighter at rate beyond evolving the technology to maintain safety, which has resulted in an average of 10,000 avoidable deaths per year since the early 70's
But hey, maybe that fraction of environmental impact we have that's causing that fraction of a global degree change might have been marginally altered. Maybe. And it's only cost us ~300,000 lives so far. Thank you government! Just tack that onto the millions you killed by restricting DDT use, and you can further brag about your death toll
If you are going to make a claim like that you really should provide a source.
What happens then? More people find jobs, and prices go down. $3 dollars suddenly buys you a subway sandwich. # of consumers goes up bc more people are employed, which brings in more revenue, causes more hiring etc.
Also, people who do want to make $10 bucks an hour are forced to either be productive or learn something useful, which is good for everyone, plus that $10 is worth more now bc of deflation. Deflation would also drive interest rates on loans down bc the money you pay back is worth more.
Best case scenario, taxes are low at this point, and the government isn't a handout machine, so people feel the need to donate to an EFFICIENT charity. Rather than to the government, which is the most inefficient entity on the planet.
You do realize that one of the main reasons why the great depression was so bad was because Hoover was so worried about inflation that he caused deflation right? With deflation what you have is nobody is buying because if they wait then they can get something for cheaper and the economy suffers as a result. How many people do you think would buy iPhones if they new that next week there was going to be a price drop?
US government regulations for increasing gas efficiency has resulted in car companies making vehicles lighter at rate beyond evolving the technology to maintain safety, which has resulted in an average of 10,000 avoidable deaths per year since the early 70's
But hey, maybe that fraction of environmental impact we have that's causing that fraction of a global degree change might have been marginally altered. Maybe. And it's only cost us ~300,000 lives so far. Thank you government! Just tack that onto the millions you killed by restricting DDT use, and you can further brag about your death toll
If you are going to make a claim like that you really should provide a source.

Aug 31, 01:51 PM
LONDON,why would they do it in London? obviously so that tv shows and films to be made availble to all of europe except for France. Its so simple. I cant wait. And films in USA of course. Thats whats gonna happen. Its soooo obvious.
Come on top gear on itunes.
Apple did this same thing before.Streaming it to London..If I recall it was the Front Row type invitation broadcast from a theatre..
Anybody remember that ?
Come on top gear on itunes.
Apple did this same thing before.Streaming it to London..If I recall it was the Front Row type invitation broadcast from a theatre..
Anybody remember that ?

Sep 14, 08:55 AM
Surely they wouldn't have a whole invite just for an MBP update either? Although this board seems obsessed with Merom MBP's, replacing a chip in a laptop really isn't that exciting.
I'm hoping for a completely new product range of some sort.
Ditto on the chip thing. The chip does NOT make THAT BIG a difference! Spend your energy on working a few extra hours so you can pay for a RAM upgrade or a 7200 RPM hard drive. Those two upgrades will make more of a performance difference, and my guess is that overall battery life will not be all that different, but we'll see when the machines come out.
To be honest, I think you need to look at the nature of the invite (e.g. how many people it was sent to, how large is the event venue). I could easily see this event being for just an Aperture update. I also don't see any reason to wait for an event to make a minor processor upgrade to the pro laptops. They could just as likely do it today.
I'm hoping for a completely new product range of some sort.
Ditto on the chip thing. The chip does NOT make THAT BIG a difference! Spend your energy on working a few extra hours so you can pay for a RAM upgrade or a 7200 RPM hard drive. Those two upgrades will make more of a performance difference, and my guess is that overall battery life will not be all that different, but we'll see when the machines come out.
To be honest, I think you need to look at the nature of the invite (e.g. how many people it was sent to, how large is the event venue). I could easily see this event being for just an Aperture update. I also don't see any reason to wait for an event to make a minor processor upgrade to the pro laptops. They could just as likely do it today.

Oct 12, 12:49 PM
They might as well add a Core 2 Duo Mac Book Pro too.
Nah... Core 2 Duo eMac tomorrow... not the MBP...
Nah... Core 2 Duo eMac tomorrow... not the MBP...

Mar 19, 03:38 PM
I hope you're getting paid well to post this crap.
Is there some reason you feel the need lash out at people?
Still, don't you feel dirty having to post references to obsolete "malware" like Leap-A and Inqtana-A that were never successful even before the OS was patched years ago??
You seem to be utterly oblivious to the whole point of the message which is that OSX is not invulnerable by any means, which seems to be the fanboy mantra of the week.
As for USB3 vs Lightpeak, your pitiful response makes me think you were one of the pinheads criticizing Apple for dropping floppy drives at the turn of the century.
Again, the childish lashing out of insults.... :rolleyes: You do realize they don't make your opinions look any better don't you?
The idea of dropping a drive that takes up space is one thing, but to include USB2 ports while purposely leaving out USB3 ports (which take up the same amount of space and are 100% backwards compatible) is asinine. The fact you would feel the need to call people "pinheads" who think in a logical manner rather than blindly worship Steve and everything Apple does tells me all I need to know about you, really.

natural talents and gifts

use her talents and gifts
Is there some reason you feel the need lash out at people?
Still, don't you feel dirty having to post references to obsolete "malware" like Leap-A and Inqtana-A that were never successful even before the OS was patched years ago??
You seem to be utterly oblivious to the whole point of the message which is that OSX is not invulnerable by any means, which seems to be the fanboy mantra of the week.
As for USB3 vs Lightpeak, your pitiful response makes me think you were one of the pinheads criticizing Apple for dropping floppy drives at the turn of the century.
Again, the childish lashing out of insults.... :rolleyes: You do realize they don't make your opinions look any better don't you?
The idea of dropping a drive that takes up space is one thing, but to include USB2 ports while purposely leaving out USB3 ports (which take up the same amount of space and are 100% backwards compatible) is asinine. The fact you would feel the need to call people "pinheads" who think in a logical manner rather than blindly worship Steve and everything Apple does tells me all I need to know about you, really.

Sep 14, 07:08 AM
Maybe the reason for not having a traditional keypad is that this is actually the iPhone Shuffle.
Apple's market research team has concluded that people get tired of talking to the same people all time. And since the iPod Shuffle is such a hit playing songs randomly,
the new iPhone Shuffle will randomly dial numbers, so every call you make is never boring.
Got more than 240 numbers in your adressbook? No problem. Let iTunes autofill your iPhone shuffle and get a new telephonic experience every time. Mom follows Work. Home follows Pizza Parlor. iPhone shuffle loves to improvise. Take the Shuffle switch, for instance. Even if you�ve synced a particular call-list, you can shuffle numbers with a flick.
This was great.
Apple's market research team has concluded that people get tired of talking to the same people all time. And since the iPod Shuffle is such a hit playing songs randomly,
the new iPhone Shuffle will randomly dial numbers, so every call you make is never boring.
Got more than 240 numbers in your adressbook? No problem. Let iTunes autofill your iPhone shuffle and get a new telephonic experience every time. Mom follows Work. Home follows Pizza Parlor. iPhone shuffle loves to improvise. Take the Shuffle switch, for instance. Even if you�ve synced a particular call-list, you can shuffle numbers with a flick.
This was great.

Old Smuggler
Sep 16, 12:02 PM
if they are using off the shelf parts it sounds like its going to be like every other phone which blows
Sep 5, 11:40 AM
No one else has yet mentioned that the Airport Extreme is currently reflecting a 1-3 week shipping period (http://store.apple.com/1-800-MY-APPLE/WebObjects/AppleStore.woa/wo/1.RSLID?mco=B842E400&nplm=M8799LL%2FA), while the Airport Express (http://store.apple.com/1-800-MY-APPLE/WebObjects/AppleStore.woa/wo/1.RSLID?mco=7D88DA55&nplm=M9470LL%2FA) still says it will ship within 24 hours on the Apple Store Online. It would seem that it is the Extreme and not the Express to be getting the update.
The reason for the 1-3 week delay in the Extreme Base Station is due to the new European regulations on certain chemicals going into effect.
The reason for the 1-3 week delay in the Extreme Base Station is due to the new European regulations on certain chemicals going into effect.
Apr 19, 11:00 PM
So the Beatles didn't use an Apple? And Woolworths Australia does? Don't be so biased.
I never said Apple going after Woolworths for their logo was a good move.
I never said Apple going after Woolworths for their logo was a good move.
Aug 23, 05:37 PM
I hope this eventually leads to Sound Blaster support for macs.
Apr 22, 01:50 PM
Backlit keyboard is a must... That alone would keep me away from teh MBA
How about lower the price $400 too.
How about lower the price $400 too.
Oct 27, 11:09 AM
I am in favor of Greenpeace's "Green My Apple" campaign. For all of Steve Jobs' zen-attitude, vegetarianism, often-proclaimed "do the right thing" stance, and Apple's financial liquidity, there's no reason why other manufacturers can make the change and Apple isn't willing to move in the right direction with their products.
And, as others have pointed out, if other vendors' straying from their booths is tolerated, and Greenpeace is singled out because their message is an uncomfortable truth that could eat away at Apple's image of being the perfect computer company, then that's an outrage. If Greenpeace gets reprimanded, so should every other vendor who strays from their booth.
And, as others have pointed out, if other vendors' straying from their booths is tolerated, and Greenpeace is singled out because their message is an uncomfortable truth that could eat away at Apple's image of being the perfect computer company, then that's an outrage. If Greenpeace gets reprimanded, so should every other vendor who strays from their booth.
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