26 Haziran 2011 Pazar

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  • gparr
    November 15th, 2007, 07:15 AM
    I reformat my cards every time I put them back in the camera, which is after every time I dump files into my computer. In other words, some of my older cards have probably been reformatted 1,000 times or more. I have never had a problem. Brands are Ridata and Sandisk (various models).

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  • syedajmal
    07-28 09:40 AM
    I just filed for my I-140 in EB2 and I am from India. I would like to know what happens in these circumstances

    1, I get laid off from my company before the Approval of my I-140

    2, I get laid off after the Approval and before I can file my 485( Is there a window of certain days that make a difference afte the approval even if I cannot file my 485)

    At this point I have a good relationship with my employer and I don't see a reason they will cancel or revoke anything that has been filed for me.

    Thanks in advance for your replies.

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  • gunabcd
    07-17 04:48 PM
    I am ashamed to read these comments coming from "highly skilled" people. Administrators please take preventive steps. We dont want some sickos malign IV. :mad: :mad:

    Come on guys, we are in US not in Saudi Arabia. Such comments are made in US senate also. It's not illegal to say something like that. It was a good joke. With all due respect let me ask you, are "Highly skilled" not human being?

    Still I agree that such comments should not be made, because it could become a norm, and someone someday could really cross the boundry, which could create a problem for IV.

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  • sixburgh
    08-13 11:01 AM
    Once you are on AOS status you do not need H4. If you have renewed it that's fine it does not matter.
    My wife came to us in 2004 and she got her EAD/AP in 2007 and I did not apply H4 for her ever since. We have have gone out of country and come back in on AP.

    I should be fine!
    I renewed it for the reason that for any reason her 485 gets cancelled, since she will always have an approved H4, she can atleast go to India, get an new H4 stamp and re-enter
    Than going out of status completely.
    Isnt that a good plan?

    But no, someone is scaring me, is all.

    I do hope that more experts read this thread and concur with me OR atleast tell me any corrective action.


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  • chanduv23
    03-26 06:39 AM
    My information is 12 years old, but something you might want to check into. Back then Emirates would put you up in a downtown hotel if you wanted to break your journey. And you didn't have to get a Dubai visa if you were staying less than 24 hours.

    We took a transit visa for a 10 hour break once while flying from JFK to Chennai. Emirates arranges for one, if you pay like $20 or so, all we did was to spend time at the gold shopping place (wallet got lighter offcourse) and got back to the airport in couple of hours. We would want to go again and probably take a longer break and stay over - the shopping is awsome, Dubai is scenic, especially the Jumairah palm and those areas.

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  • hariswaminathan
    02-12 11:43 AM

    Yes I am guilty. I am one of those Lazy fence sitters caught in reto that peruses this forum on a daily basis looking for for some glimmer of hope.
    Silently i cross my fingers and hope that IV will get something done for us but guilty of doing nothing to help. Sound familiar?

    Let me start by saying that i became a member and watched this forum for over 6 months and did nothing to contribute (whether financially or physically). I'm lazy and theres nothing i can do about it - thats my personality. We all have busy lives and we all have personal agendas and unless we are affected by something directly, we choose the path of least resistance.

    something changed for me last month. I dont know what it was, since it was nothing physical, personal, familial or anything tangible. I was reading the IV website posts "as normal" and while i read all the posts on funding drives, increasing members, those brillant NJ chapter folks etc I was ashamed at how little i was doing towards a cause that had a direct impact on my life and how a small group of people could be so passsionate about the same interest. I was also surprised at the number of mainly Indian professionals in the US who were caught in this mess but at the difficulty that IV was having getting people to get off their a** and do something.

    COME ON PEOPLE - even if we are lazy, self centered, and busy lets at least show that the Indian "minority" in the US is at least a UNITED and PROUD lot. We cant let IV down for a few dollars. "Izzat ka Sawal Hai"

    Well, i thought about it, and thought some more..... and decided i was still as lazy as i was before even after my ephiphany, but i could definitely manage a few clicks with my mouse. So i decided, If can't do anything physical (like pass flyers, meet in DC to help Core, start some fangled chapter locally, or harass my local congresman) then at least i could pass on some financial contribution so that somebody could do it for me!
    So this is what i did

    a) - setup a $20 recurring contribution (Yes its $20 - I'm cheap and so are a lot of you - but $20 is better than nothing - its less than a dinner at a restaurant).
    b) forwarded the website info to a few of my collegues at work and told them what i did.

    I have not made any earth shattering differences by my actions, but at least im doing SOMETHING. This, coming from one of the laziest members definitely should mean something to all of you.

    If you cant contribute your time, at least send some money so someone else can do it for you! Also please stop harrassing IV on where the funds are going - its $20 per month for Christ's sake, not your family inheritance. Let's try and make a difference one way or another. Our national pride is at stake here.



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  • Maverick_2008
    07-20 04:23 AM
    Stayed in the US for a dozen years, got my masters, worked at a Fortune 10 company for several years, finished my 40 social security credits, always thought about coming back home (India), did actually come back to India 1.5+ years ago, left all uncertainties about the US immigration process behind, accepted a good job (big fish, not-so-small pond in my hometown) and accepted India as it is.

    So, for those who have been waiting patiently for their papers and want to settle in the US, all the very best.

    For those, who want to come back to India to their friends and family, India *is* still !ncredible.


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  • senthil
    05-18 01:41 PM
    one way to see IV's friendly faces ....


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  • sash
    06-20 01:16 AM
    What do the people in the following circumstance do:

    1) Family emergency and they have to travel to India? Is there any way to expedite the advance parole??

    2) They get married say in October and return with spouse then? IF they file for I-485 now, isnt the spouse left out unless she/he can come in H1B or F-1 herself?

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  • Norristown
    12-24 11:50 AM
    Before July fiasco by USCIS, I was used to check murthy.com.immigrationportal websites for info on immigration issues.
    During the July fiasco IV is the only website which was updating with more confidence.
    Later it became a addiction to check IV morning and evening.

    GO IV GO IV....


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  • Ψ
    06-09 06:52 PM
    there finally got it...after soo many tries....

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  • number30
    04-29 06:08 PM
    Thanks snathan and aravindhome for your responses.

    I'm going to consult an attorney on this for sure...

    After i consulted my friends and after going through some other posts i figured that F1 is the best option i have now.
    My fiancee is interested in pursuing her higher education, but just wanted to find out if it would be OK that i sponsor her education and state that her fiance is in US with green card at the time of visa application?.. would this cause any problems for getting her F1 visa?
    OR should she not mention anything about me in any stage be it in University Admisssion process or the F1 visa application process?

    I know all of the other options (H1, L1, B1 and GC sponsor for spouse) would require much time.

    aravindhome-- i'm not sure how fast can she get a canadian PR and then come to this Country?...On what basis is she going to enter this country?

    Thanks a lot


    Once she is on F1 here you can get married.


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  • sammyb
    09-04 05:31 PM
    I already got a denial of my wife's application and had to pay $585 for the MTR :mad: ... that would be a nice source of revenue for the agency...

    They have to advance the dates down the line to get more fees in order to keep the dumdums employed at the USCIS.........
    That does not mean it translates into GCs.....its just more people get EADs and APs and continued revenue for USCIS.
    I also won't be surprized if the fees go up in the next round.

    Also until the CIR is passed there is no way they will eliminate the backlog as that will mean giving up their "cash cows"===a.k.a "us".......

    Here is what I beleive will happen until amnesty is enacted(whether we like it or not our fate is tied to the illegals):
    1. Dates will be moved forward and backward randomly to get more fees from new and old suckers like us(everytime the dates move fwd they raise our hopes and we hang on longer).....they don't want us to leave...they just want us to keep paying for their jobs...so as Obama says......"keep the HOPE train alive" even if its not moving an inch.
    2. Increase the fees.....
    3. Increase the rate of denials: more denials mean more MTRs mean more revenue......

    Its a business and you will do whatever to survive.........nothing personal........

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  • Ann Ruben
    06-25 06:33 PM
    The link below describes where and how to apply for humanitarian parole.

    USCIS - Humanitarian Parole (http://www.uscis.gov/portal/site/uscis/template.PRINT/menuitem.eb1d4c2a3e5b9ac89243c6a7543f6d1a/?vgnextoid=accc3e4d77d73210VgnVCM100000082ca60aRCR D&vgnextchannel=accc3e4d77d73210VgnVCM100000082ca60a RCRD)


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  • tikka
    05-31 02:23 PM
    This is the least we can do...

    thank you delhirocks. this was the first step.

    Now you could you please take a few mins and send out web faxes. You can send it to all the states.

    Thank you again

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  • cagcwait
    02-21 05:00 PM
    Info posted by BerkeleyBee in a different thread. This should be in the Resources section..

    ************************************************** ********

    BerkeleyBee's post in CA - Meet the Lawmakers thread
    Meeting with Dianne Feinstein's staff


    Feb 15, 2006

    Today, four members of IV met with 3 staffers from Dianne Feinstein�s office in San Francisco.
    Two constituent services representatives, who deal with immigration problems on a daily basis (helping people with labor cert, I-140, I-485, security check etc problems) and one assistant field representative who interfaces with the Senator�s staff in DC on a whole host of issues.

    We spent 1.5 hours with them. We went through our presentation, answering questions and giving examples all the way. Then we spent some time talking about how they could help us, suggestions about what IV should do, and how we could work with them. All in all it was an excellent meeting � they were riveted through out � asked lots of questions and were very supportive.


    1.Getting the Word Out to Lawmakers

    � They all said they learned a lot from our presentation � the people who deal with immigration problems on a nitty gritty daily level didn�t know the big picture on legal immigration, and the field representative didn�t know anything about the particular problems of legal EB immigrants.
    � The field representative said she had had three meeting with immigration related groups that day already, and that the Senator�s staff has been hearing about immigration a lot BUT this was the first time she was hearing about legal skilled immigrants!!
    � They thought our goals were reasonable and that they would be supportive. They thought we should reach out to as many other lawmakers as possible

    BOTTOM LINE: Do you want favorable legislation not to pass simply because people didn�t know about our problems??? No! We need to get the word out.


    � They repeatedly said they were impressed with our presentation (go check it out).
    � They liked the fact that we had an easy to read table which showed which of the current bills addressed some of our goals.
    � They liked the fact that we printed and bound two copies of the presentation to give them.
    � We also gave them copies of our tri-fold brochure
    � We also gave them a number tabbed, bound copy of the following

    -Must Read Documents on Legal Skilled Immigration

    a) CIS Ombudsman's Report:

    b) GAO Report on Backlogs at USCIS

    c) Exec Summary of NAS Rising Above a Gathering Storm

    d) How Visa Date Cutoffs Are Established from July 2000 Bulletin

    e) President�s Economic Report: Chapter 2: Skills for the U.S. Workforce.

    3.Action Items
    � We decided to keep in touch � I will follow up on the feedback they get from the Senator�s DC staffers.
    � They wanted to know more about how our meetings with other lawmakers are going.
    � I offered to act as source of facts and examples for their office on these issues � since I have read the relevant documents and data carefully.
    � They suggested that we keep reaching out to members of the House � especially those who are in states without a lot of tech sector firms � those are the people who are least likely to know about our existence, let alone our problems.

    BOTTOM LINE: I will keep in touch with all three, sharing talking points and getting feedback.

    4. Lessons for future meetings with lawmakers/ Lessons for other states
    � Do not be intimidated by the idea of initiating a meeting with the staffers of lawmaker � they do this all the time, and are friendly, easy to talk to, it is their job to listen to you� just put yourselves in the mindset of someone telling a story to a friendly audience.
    � Get organized, print and bind copies of the presentation and additional docs listed above to give to them.
    � Do a dry run of the talk, so that you build a narrative patter to go with the slides � this worked really well in this meeting.
    � Whenever possible use examples from the experience of the IV members present to illustrate the point in the slide � for example when we were doing the I-485 Life with and Without Slide, we used Ollie and Neha�s experiences with layoffs and partner not being able to work
    � Ask how you can follow up with them, what they would like you to do
    � Write to thank them for their time and reiterate your basic points


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  • CoolStrom1
    04-16 03:22 PM
    I thought as soon as I-140 is denied your spouse has to stop working on EAD and go out of the country to renew H4. ?

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  • nozerd
    09-06 01:42 PM
    Can H1 visa stamp be used for travel convenience ?

    I am EB3 India with PD of August 2001. I 140 approved but cant file I 485 due to retro. I have sent in my application for 8th -10th yr H1 extension. I am already Canadian PR landed in April 2005 so basically need to do something in early 2008 if I still need to hold on to my Canadian PR. I have worked for same firm since last 7 + yrs and they are quite cooperative within limits.

    I wanted to know if I can work for my company's Canadian operations and still hold H1 visa and travel on that H1 visa. Please note that I will be on Canadian payroll. Is this legal ? Is it ok for the company to keep extending my H1 ? I know they can keep my Green card case alive but what about H1 ?

    Is it ok to stay outside US and get paid outside US and still use H1 visa to travel ?

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  • ramus
    05-21 09:09 AM
    This is time to send press release to media and not for this document. Please visit press relese thred.

    07-26 10:57 AM
    What was your Priority Date?

    08-21 11:51 AM
    I've never done AR-11 myself because atty. is doing it for me...but when I looked at the on-line AR-11, Change of Address...A# is optional, meaning you do not need to input something on it. I think it was pretty easy to do it.

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