22 Mayıs 2011 Pazar

Toyota Matrix

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  • Xtremehkr
    Mar 18, 09:35 PM
    iTMS exists to sell iPods yes. But, if iTMS does not do something to protect the profits of those who allow iTMS to sell their songs then they will stop supplying iTMS with songs to sell.

    There was a way to get around this before, but it was only used by a minority of people and considered an acceptable loss I guess.

    What you have here is someone who is internationally advertising a way to beat copyright protections through iTMS, which hurts Apple as it may affect suppliers of music to iTMS.

    There were ways to beat iTMS before and the best way was to avoid it altogether and use a P2P software.

    This to me is different however. It is a direct attack on Apple aimed at disuading music labels from providing iTMS with songs to download.

    In this instance I stand with Apple, as the MP3 market heats up, one of the determining factors in who people choose to buy their music from is going to be exclusive content. Labels are not going to release material to distributors who cannot assure that their material won't be easily pirated.

    *If they fix this hole and leave everything else in place there really is no problem*

    The songs iTMS sells are not their own! iTMS is a middleman that is not guaranteed access to the product that it resells. An essential part of selling iPods is being able to offer current music to play on them. iTMS needs to protect its ability to resell the music needed to use on iPods.

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  • Th3Crow
    Apr 28, 10:13 AM
    I just think Apple is making a mistake by not making some low end machines.

    ...They may walk past the small Apple table, see the near �1000 price tag, and think, yeah, right, like we're going to get one of those. I could get two good spec'd windows Laptops for that price.

    ...As the only REAL difference between a PC and a Mac these days is the OS it's running, there is no reason Apple could not make a laptop directly at the price point of a medium to low end Windows laptop and then, people may buy them, and perhaps get used to OS X and in years to come go for an iMac.

    You're completely wrong, Piggie. Anyone who uses Mac hardware knows that. A Macbook Pro is a completely different animal than a piece of crap made by Dell that sells for half the price. Apple doesn't make junk, and never will. I'm glad. I don't care that Joe Cheapo wants the lowest priced garbage he can find, and doesn't care that its hard drive will fail in a year, that its motherboard will fry, it's underpowered, or that his experience will suck and he won't know the difference. Those of us who buy Macs and choose to spend more for a better made machine appreciate the difference. You get what you pay for - remember that.
    And people ARE buying them. In droves.

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  • deconai
    Aug 29, 04:06 PM
    And Apple IS eco-friendly, or so I thought--Al Gore is on the board. I got the impression he was sort of into the environmental movement...

    Actually, he's on the Al Gore movement. ;)

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  • matticus008
    Mar 19, 04:35 PM
    Does iTunes really only sell you a license to the track? Is this in writing anywhere?

    It's not just iTunes, but all copyright law. A CD is a license to use the track, not ownership of the song's music or lyrics. An AAC from iTunes is the same. Same with movies and software, etc. In any situation, you are buying a license to use the song, not to take ownership of the song (unless you're buying the *rights* to a song, then you really do own it).

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  • JediZenMaster
    May 6, 10:13 AM
    I'm not letting AT&T off easily, but I still argue that half of the problem is the iPhone itself. When I'm the only person with an iPhone and everyone else around me is on old cell phones on the same network and they have 5 bars and I have no signal, there's a problem.

    True and look at the European Carriers like 02 that have the iphone. They have the same issue. And if verizon ever gets the iphone they will have the same issue too.

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  • likemyorbs
    Mar 26, 12:41 PM
    CaoCao, just admit you lost this argument and move on.

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  • Multimedia
    Oct 30, 11:47 AM
    If I was running upcomming Leopard OSX, a few osx apps, the full upcoming CS3 Suite (not necessarily Batch Processing), have After Effects rendering a 30 minute clip in the background, downloading *legal torrents, watching internet tv (muted), while burning a DVD and listening to music..

    That keeping in mind I won't necessariy be rendering-multiple scenes, while encoding, batch processing with a multiple of applications while running SETI@home ;) .... yet

    Would that kind of Multi-tasking benefit through Multi-threading on the Octobot's 8-Cores..
    Or slighly / not significant enough to warrant Going Octo over Quad..IMHO Definitely. With the Quad each process you describe will run slower and/or flat out bog down the Mac so you can't even word process without waiting for characters to appear. I know this 'cause I already have this happening to me a lot on the Quad G5.

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  • AceWilfong
    Apr 24, 03:34 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    People don't like the idea of no longer existing, and religion solves that.

    Plus, it is a way to control people. A very effective one! That's why it is still here today in the age of science. Religion has been refined over thousands of years to make sure it keeps itself going and keeps people believing without question.

    This book says there is an invisible man in the sky who made the earth. We know this because the invisible man wrote the book. He listens to you but doesn't answer. If you do as he says you go to a wonderful afterlife, but if you don't you go to a horrible one.

    Excellent! And it would not surprise me to learn that religion was invented by Kings, not Gods.

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  • kallie
    Jun 14, 04:08 PM
    Every phone that comes out after the iPhone is supposed to surpass the iPhone by 20**. This is getting old. It took how many years for someone to beat up on Nokia? That's right, it'll be a long time before you see a dent in the iPhone's armor.

    I'm going to make a new smartphone next week. It's an iPhone-killer. Guaranteed.

    According to the market trends nothing can surpass the iphone boom from the market.

    Even ipad has to wait a little time to surpass.

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  • deconai
    Aug 29, 04:06 PM
    And Apple IS eco-friendly, or so I thought--Al Gore is on the board. I got the impression he was sort of into the environmental movement...

    Actually, he's on the Al Gore movement. ;)

    Toyota Matrix. %IMG_DESC_11%
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  • MacRumors
    Sep 25, 11:29 PM
    http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com)

    Daily Tech claims to have received details for Intel's next major Core-based Xeon processor (http://www.dailytech.com/article.aspx?newsid=4253), code-named Clovertown. The processors will be in the Xeon 53xx family (current Mac Pros use Woodcrest cores that are in the Xeon 51xx family), and will be available in the following configurations:

    Processor # / Clock (GHz) / Bus (MHz) / L2 Cache (MB) / Price (in 1,000 unit lots)

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  • Mooey
    Apr 9, 03:33 AM
    Apple will buy Nintendo eventually.

    It's over for Nintendo.

    Get ready for the iwii

    for Nintendo.



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  • Lamarak
    Jun 13, 01:55 PM
    All I can say is AT&T in my area far better than Verizon here in San Antonio. Not saying they don't have their problems, but Verizon doesnt allow you to talk and use the web at same time, which Im sure helps some in the traffic thats on the network.

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  • javajedi
    Oct 8, 06:06 PM
    Originally posted by ryme4reson
    It says the cd-rom on your Pb is slower than the PC. In addition the G4 sucks, but its the CD ROM speed making most of that difference

    Absolutely. To isoloate the cdrom drive on the PC, I seperated the process of ripping and encoding. Once I had the song ripped encoding took 5 seconds. I wish there was a way to just see how long encoding takes in iTunes, but I don't think you can do just this , I believe it only rips and encodes.

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  • armandocerna
    Apr 6, 12:07 PM
    One thing that got me was that you cannot make apps fill the screen without dragging and resizing. You can only resize from the bottom right corner. No real other annoyances for me that I can think of.

    Try holding down SHIFT and clicking the green plus button it should full screen any app.

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  • Aduntu
    Apr 22, 08:56 PM
    If you want to argue about your religion(or lack there of), it's probably better to you use this thread (http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=1019714). We've covered a lot of ground there.
    This thread is about why there is a higher demographic of Atheists in this particular forum.

    My apologies.

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  • C N Reilly
    Mar 18, 12:59 PM
    I'm not worried about this. There's only two possibilities:

    1) AT&T is just assuming anyone who uses more than X amount of data must be tethering, and shooting out threats. In such a case, all you have to do is call them and tell them you stream a radio station all day. They take you off the "evil tetherer" list; end of problem. (I've already seen two people post elsewhere that this has worked for them.)

    2) There actually is something in the software/firmware that's enabling AT&T to tell who's tethering. In this case, the jailbreakers will just add some code to the next release to block or fool that bit of code. End of problem.

    All signs thus far point to (1) being the truth, btw.

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  • firestarter
    Mar 13, 11:50 AM
    Japans main problem, at this time, seems to be that someone thought it was a good idea to build the plants on the Pacific Rim

    Japan doesn't really have a choice BUT to build plants on the Pacific Rim, since that's where the country is located.

    That, the lack of domestic oil and gas (90% of oil used in electric power is from the Middle East), plus a small highly populated country (rules out big hydropower) and they haven't got many options left. Linky (http://eneken.ieej.or.jp/data/en/data/pdf/433.pdf).

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  • xiaoyu04
    Oct 25, 10:21 PM
    wow, that was a fast announcement? if i remember correctly the clovertons come out mid nov don't they?

    Apr 13, 07:16 AM
    This thread reads like a bunch of wanna-be's crying for attention. All this talk that real professionals will be disappointed. First off, if this is a conference for production professionals, and you weren't there, kinda already makes you sound like an also-ran. Not to say that every quality professional would be at one event, but if you are truly a professional, you'd know that pointless pontification about a product you've never seen and are judging based on a series of quotes from a one hour presentation isnt very respectable.

    There's no way even a large fraction of the total features were presented in an hour, and if the app was built from the ground up and took three tears to be released, it stands to reason that many assumptions your making based on old software could be markedly wrong.

    Jul 12, 01:48 PM
    Jiggy2g - yes its all very 'disturbing'... whatever! calm down dude, the geekness is just too much (whoa man did you see that conroe at 4ghz!!)...

    (the tone of your post just cracked me up) - we are all very 'disappointed' in you.

    Point Proven..Noobs like this are the reason why sites like \http://mac-sucks.com/ exist.

    uhm, where does that come from?:confused:
    so, why should your conroe based machine blow a mac out of the water? we don't know the specs yet. and as you state yourself they are going to use standard intel stuff. so speedwise they should be equal to any other PC. only twice as expensive.:p

    Because unlike Apple , getting your own custom motherboard from ASUS / MSI / Gigabyte / DFI. means you have real choices , you can choose different chipsets from Intel , ATI , Nvidia , VIA. NOT JUST STOCK PARTS. I can get that 10 USB , 8 SATA , WiFi , eSATA , Dual PCIe 16x that supports Crossfire or SLI anyway i want it, Apple will never do this , even Dull gives u that much.


    aside of that most people here were rather positive towards the intel switch. and most want a conroe based midrange mac. so why this post?:confused:
    Apple will never release a Midtower for the simple fact that this market is the most saturated PC market and Apple is not willing to get into a price war where the margins are already paper thin. same reason u will never see a lowend $599 Macbook. That stipped down iMac is a joke

    Mar 18, 08:45 AM
    I see nothing wrong with AT&T cracking down. You signed a contract that specifically said you had no interest in tethering. But if you use it, then you lied when you signed your contract which means AT&T has the right to modify it.

    Hey, it's better then them blackballing you and making you pay the remainder of your phone's cost.

    May 8, 02:46 AM
    Hopefully one day I won't drop a call. Happens too often.

    Apr 5, 10:59 PM
    Can't just hit Delete? Can't move up a level in the directory structure? Yikes.

    Ya know what? These may all be little things individually, but collectively as a whole I think they'd drive me nuts.

    I'm still on Vista... maybe going to Windows 7 might be the smarter move in my particular case.

    Thanks for your help everyone, I sincerely appreciate your input.

    Gotta do some serious thinking about this...

    As far as the whole delete thing, just do CMD+Delete, and BAM! it goes straight in the trashcan. Also, CMD+SHIFT+Delete empties the trashcan.

    Also the columns view in finder is the only view i ever use, it shows you all of the levels of the directory structure.

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